Student Visibility System India through RFID Technology
The RFID consists of a tag and a reader.
These systems are widely being used in schools for identifying the location and
the whereabouts of the students. Tags used in student visibility system allow the accommodation of extra
information. These systems come as one of the most convenient platforms for
storing the school records of the students without taking up a lot of space.
schools in India have even adopted the RFID based student attendance system.
these systems come with in-built time in and time out features that help the
parents and the school authorities in tracking a particular student within a
matter of seconds. The problems faced with manual registrations can easily be
eliminated with the use of RFID solutions from RFID readers exporters. Apart from this, one of the greatest
advantages that come from the use of this system is restricted access to school
records and premises.
RFID Across the School
RFID tags suppliers in India have
put in good efforts and have come up with RFID solutions that can be used
across the school premises for tracking students. Some of the most common
places where RFID tags are used within a school are:
RFID tracking solutions have
successfully replaced car-code systems that were previously used in the
libraries in schools and colleges. One of the most basic benefits of this
system is that the RFID trackers have bar code readers and this has negated the
requirement of scanning each and every book. Several books can now be read with
just one scan.
the School Gate
The use of RFID tags at the school
wall-through or gate has enabled a system for reading and detecting the
presence of a student and for marking the attendance of a student at the same
time. by way of RFID student visibility system, the attendance of the students
can easily be marked without having the teachers going through the hassle of
manual headcount and roll call.
Limited Access Areas
RFID systems can even be used at the
school entrance for authenticating entry into the limited access or restricted
areas of the school. By installing RFID tags, the management of the school can
control the presence of unauthentic sources in confidential areas of the school.
Teachers are able to manage their
classrooms in a better way if there are RFID tags installed in classrooms. The
use of the RFID technology in classrooms helps in eliminating the hassle of
monitoring each and every student manually.